

After receiving your order, Buddha to Buddha will process your order. The items that are in stock will be delivered directly.

Should the unexpected occur that, despite the words "in stock", the product is not available (this might occur in the exceptional case of two equal orders), we will contact you immediately. You will be informed about the expected delivery, or maybe you have seen an alternative product. If an item is not deliverable right away, than you will be informed by email about the expected delivery time.

Did you ordered a wrong item or you want something else? No problem, if the package isn’t send yet, we can cancel your order. Send an email to or call +31 (0)88 20 51 036.

Payment methods

Paying on our webshop is 100% safe and reliable. We offer the following payment options:

  • Creditcard via Mastercard, Visa or Maestro
  • PayPal
  • Riverty (AfterPay)
  • Apple Pay

